The foundation of oral health begins in early childhood
Prevent and treat cavities on baby teeth early. Start a treatment journey with your trusted dentist.
The first is an introductory visit to show the children that they can have peace of mind at their dentist, then in subsequent appointments the state of health of the mouth is assessed, the right teachings are given on how to maintain dental health and any work is carried out.
Children will have healthy milk teeth and will be monitored to prevent any further cavities or recurrences.
Sessions do not normally last more than an hour. We try to do it as quickly as possible compatibly with the needs of the young patients
NO. Children should never experience the sensation of pain at their dentist. If necessary, it is possible to proceed, in complete safety, with a light anesthesia.
The playful and gradual approach is essential to treat the little ones with serenity, in some cases the use of conscious sedation with nitrous oxide can be helpful.
Baby teeth are essential for the correct development of the dental arches. Furthermore, if involved in cavities, they can easily suffer from abscesses which can compromise the health of the erupting permanent teeth.